6 Common Toxins Found in 家用清洁剂


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作为一个尽责的消费者, it’s important to be aware of the potential toxins lurking in your everyday household cleaners, so you can make smarter choices and create a healthier living space for yourself and your loved ones. Let’s explore some of these toxins and learn how to opt for safer alternatives.

Phthalates: Unveiling the Hidden Chemicals

Found In: Scented Air Fresheners, Dish Soaps, and Cleaning 十大彩票网赌平台

While 邻苯二甲酸盐 may not be explicitly listed on labels, it’s crucial to be cautious of their potential risks, especially concerning reproductive health.

Phthalates have been linked to health problems – especially with reproductive health. 根据 疾病预防控制中心, some types of 邻苯二甲酸盐 have affected the reproductive systems of animals, although the long-term health risks to humans are less clear.

一般, if a product is scented and doesn’t specifically say it’s made without 邻苯二甲酸盐, 它可能含有邻苯二甲酸盐. 如果你喜欢有香味的十大彩票网赌平台, look for options that explicitly state they are phthalate-free to reduce potential exposure. ECOS十大彩票网赌平台, 例如, 不含邻苯二甲酸盐吗, helping you enjoy safer ingredients and clean-smelling scents without compromising on effectiveness.

MEA, DEA, and TEA: The Balance of Emulsifiers

Found In: Liquid 洗衣 Detergents, All-Purpose Cleaners, and Other 家用清洁剂

MEA, DEA, and TEA are commonly used ethanolamines found in many household cleaners as emulsifiers. These three chemicals prevent liquid ingredients from separating or clumping.While they are not highly hazardous on their own, they can be contaminated with substances like 1,恶烷, which is considered a potential carcinogen. Some studies have also linked MEA to asthma and DEA to skin irritation. 选择清洁十大彩票网赌平台时, consider alternatives that prioritize safety and minimize the risk of contamination.


Phosphates: A Concern for the Environment

Found In: Bathroom Cleaners, 洗衣 Detergents, and Dishwasher Detergents

Phosphates are generally safe for human use, but can have detrimental effects on the environment. Cleaning product companies use 磷酸盐 as chelating agents, which means they soften water to prevent mineral buildup on the surfaces you’re trying to clean. Tap water may naturally contain magnesium and calcium ions, and 磷酸盐 prevent these ions from affecting the quality of your clean.

Phosphates appear to be safe for use around humans. 然而, they may be particularly harmful to the environment. Studies show 磷酸盐 have disastrous effects on waterways, 例如, because they promote the growth of algae blooms, sucking oxygen from water and killing aquatic life.


Found In: Soaps, All-Purpose Cleaners, and Liquid 洗衣 Detergents

Dyes can impact human health and contribute to indoor air pollution. Many household cleaners use dyes for appearance. 合成染料, 如煤焦油染料, are known to accumulate in the body and have been associated with skin irritation and indoor air quality issues. To reduce potential risks, opt for cleaning products that do not rely on synthetic dyes.

Many household cleaners contain coal tar dye, which is a type of synthetic dye that gives some laundry detergents a bright blue color. Coal tar is a known human carcinogen, and studies show the molecules within coal tar dye could accumulate in your body.

To reduce potential risks, opt for cleaning products that do not rely on synthetic dyes.

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Bleach: Power and Precaution Go Hand in Hand

发现来源:洗衣粉 & 家用清洁剂

Bleach is a powerful household cleaner known for its disinfecting properties. 然而, it can also cause skin irritation and burning. Ingesting bleach or mixing it with ammonia can have severe consequences, including serious illness or even death. Handle bleach with caution and consider safer alternatives for your cleaning needs when possible.

Formaldehyde: An Unwanted Presence in Air Fresheners

发现用途:空气清新剂 & Certain Scented Household Cleaning 十大彩票网赌平台

To maintain fresher indoor air without relying on 甲醛, choose products that explicitly state they are 甲醛-free. Look for brands like ECOS that offer safer options, such as the ECOS织物除臭剂, which utilizes natural fragrances and plant sugars to eliminate odors effectively.

Final Word: Make Smarter Choices with Safer Ingredients

By making smarter choices and opting for products with safer ingredients, you can create a healthier living environment. Consider brands like ECOS made with safer ingredients, including sustainable ingredients like coconut and bamboo. 我们生产不含染料的十大彩票网赌平台, 甲醛, 1,恶烷, 苯甲酸脂类, 磷酸盐, 邻苯二甲酸盐, pearlizers, 或者光学增白剂, while maintaining high standards for efficacy.

With over 55 years of experience and over 90 安全的选择-certified cleaning products, ECOS is a safer choice for you and your family.